Welcome to Math 20 Elementary Algebra Online!
This course uses MyMathLab, an online Course Tool available from CourseCompass.com.
Students will complete work according to schedule.
You are required to appear on campus for three event
Math 20 Online Syllabus
CRN# 23742: Course code: nack54792
Orientation: Saturday, January 12th from
Mandatory for new MyMathLab users. Prior permission of the instructor is needed to be exempt from this requirement.
Midterm: Saturday, March 8th:
Final Exam: Saturday, May. 17th:
On Line Office Hours: Mon: Tues:
Campus Office Hours: Mon:
email: snack@fullcoll.edu webpage: http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/snack
Online Course Site: http:// www.coursecompass.com
Course Materials:
This course uses MyMathLab, an online program for doing homework and online Tests. The access code is available either online or through the bookstore. Since the text is incorporated into the online media, the purchase of the textbook is optional. MyMathLab can be done either on campus (Math Lab, 901, 317, 511 labs) or off-campus. More information is attached to this syllabus.
Text: Beginning Algebra, 4th Edition, M
Optional Supplementary texts: Student Solutions Manual, Study Guide
Supplies: Graph paper, ruler with metric markings, scientific calculator
Note: Textbooks are available in the campus library on 2-hour reserve
Course Description
This course includes operations on integers, fractions, mixed numbers and decimals; ratio, proportion and percentages; working with variable expressions; interpretation of statistical graphs; measurement and geometry; and an introduction to polynomials and graphing.
Prerequisite: MATH 15 F Pre-Algebra with a grade of “C” or better or math skills clearance.
Class Preparation Mandatory Orientation: Orientation: Saturday, January 12th from q Weekly Assignments: The attached schedule is a guideline for pacing the course. Students should complete the online homework assignments according to the schedule. Homework will be due q Chapter Tests: Online tests can be taken multiple times until the due date with the highest grade counted. q NOTE: Students are warned not to wait until the last minute to complete assignments. System failure of MyMathLab or any personal computer problems will not be accepted as an excuse for incomplete homework. |
Graded Assignments: q Online Assignments (10%): § Homework (10%): Students may access homework problems up until § Online Tests (20%): There is an online test for every chapter. The lowest test will be dropped. q On Campus Tests (70%): There is a Midterm (30%) and a Final Exam (40%). THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UPS. The Midterm and comprehensive Final Exam require a Scantron. The teacher will provide the scantron. You must receive at least 60% on the final to pass the course. q Note: Additional help is available in the Math Lab (LLRC), Student Services Center and in the |
Communication: Phone: Be sure to leave your name and phone number at the beginning of the message. I will return your call as soon as possible. If you need to drop this class, it is YOUR responsibility to complete the necessary steps -- DO NOT ASSUME YOU HAVE BEEN DROPPED FROM THE CLASS Email: Be sure to register with a VALID email address! This address will be used for communication between instructor and students. Put your name and the course: “Math 20 Online” in the subject line. Every attempt will be made to respond within 24 hours. Homework assistance (using MyMathLab): If you need help on a specific problem, first try the online help provided by the tabs on the right of the problem. If you are still unable to solve the problem, either bring the problem to the Virtual Office Hour or contact me directly, by clicking on the “Ask My Instructor” tab and I will respond as soon as possible. Virtual Office Hours: Every Monday from |